race series info
Fees || Season Timeline || Calendar || Refunds || Weather
Fees 2024
Rider Member
- High School = $170
- Middle School = $85, racing not available
- Additional team fees may be assessed
- NON-REFUNDABLE, required even if you do not choose to race
Race Entry
- Race Series Pass - 4 races = $260
- $10 discount per race
- Must be purchased in one transaction
- Deadline to purchase noon August 19, 2024
- Single Race = $75
- State Championships = $75
- Replacement race plate = $10
- NON-REFUNDABLE: Race series pass
- NON-REFUNDABLE: Single-race fees are transferable within the same season.
Team + Coach
- Division 1 Team (30 + riders) = $475
- Division 2 Teams (13 – 29 riders) = $325
- Division 3 Teams (12 or less riders) = $160
- Annual Coach = $30
If you have questions about team registration, please contact the Programs Manager.
All team pricing includes Insurance.
Race registration is online only. Registration deadline is Monday at 12 PM (noon) the week of the race. Rider membership and race entry fees are not refundable. Race entry fees are transferable within the current year series. No onsite registration for State Championships. Please email the Programs Manager to request a race entry transfer.
Season Timeline
April-August: Registration for Colorado League teams begins in April. Teams can register as late as August 15th. At this time anyone who intends to coach a team should register with the League so that they are covered by our insurance. League teams are limited to the number of weeks they can have pre-season practice. In addition, teams are not insured outside of these limits.
April 1 – July 14: Pre-season activities can commence limited activities on April 1st. Allowable pre-season activities are bike checks, fun rides, mechanical workshops or skills clinics. Between April 1 – and July 14, teams are allowed to have up to 8 scheduled pre-season activities. Trail work events are not included in the 8 pre-season practices.
July 15- early November: Regular training practice (2-4 times a week) can commence on July 15. All team rides or other training activities must end within two weeks of the final League race.
Rider membership and race entry fees are not refundable. Race entry fees are transferable within the current year series only.
Race registration is only available online. The registration deadline is Monday at noon the week of the race. No onsite registration. Please email registration@coloradomtb.org to request a race entry transfer.
Pre-registration fees are non-refundable due to inclement weather or poor air quality. Race entry fees are non-transferable to subsequent or re-scheduled races due to inclement weather, poor air quality, or other situations that result in cancellation.
Below are the guidelines for how the League will conduct races and events if the weather, air quality, or other situations arise that interfere with risk management policies.
Our primary considerations are the safety of riders, support staff and spectators, and potential damage to the venue and trails. Any decisions regarding canceling, postponing, or altering race start times, lap lengths, number of laps, etc. will be made jointly by the league director, chief referee, and the land manager. Often this decision cannot be made until the morning of the race due to the unpredictable and rapidly changing nature of severe weather, air quality, or other circumstances.
The League will make every attempt to notify the racing population as soon as possible via website updates, social media, and/or other communication channels.
- Races are held on their scheduled dates unless the racecourse on the day of the race is deemed unrideable and dangerous.
- The League will have the option to alter the start of a race from its published times if the weather, air quality, or other circumstances create dangerous conditions.
- Communication of delays, changes in start time, courses, etc. will be made by the League as follows:
- On the league website prior to the race day, if possible
- Via social media
- Team App
- Over the public address system on race day.
- Courses and/or lap lengths may be altered or shortened due to weather conditions. Last minute changes will be broadcast to riders at the start of each wave via the race announcer. If conditions require a change in the number of laps during a race, a person will be stationed at the lap line advising riders of the change.
- All racing will stop immediately in the presence of dangerous circumstances, as signified by the chief referee, race director and/or EMS staff. Racing may continue once the league director, chief referee, and head timer have conferred.
- Re-starting a race that has been stopped:
- Depending on the schedule and number of laps completed, the race may be declared over;
- If a race is stopped due to hazardous conditions, standard scoring is to count only the laps completed and to score riders who had to evacuate as pulled.
Support the colorado league
Together we foster healthy habits in youth, develop self-confidence, cultivate leadership, and strengthen family bonds one pedal stroke at a time.